Women& Family Wealth
There are many reasons why families/parents dip into their own savings. As mothers, it can be tempting to provide more of our time and (money) to our children than we do for ourselves.Early Years
College Funding
Unfortunately, the cost of providing a higher education is soaring. The average American family spends $26,266 on their children’s college, annually. 43% of which, is covered by the family’s savings and income.14 Developing a plan for meeting education expenses early, can make a huge difference by providing your child and yourself with more options, later. There are some creative ways to fund education expenses… As you can probably imagine, saving early is the most valuable thing you can do. We help by estimating tuition costs, discuss the most appropriate investments based on how much time you have to work with, explore your options with income shifting, gifting strategies and more.Having Adequate Income Protection
- If you have young children
- If you and your partner make significantly different amount in income
- If your retirement is underfunded
- Or your family has significant expenses & debt
Later Years
Financially Supporting Children in Adulthood
Caring for an aging parent
Estate Planning
One of the greatest gifts you can give your family is clarity about what you want as you age and when you pass. 76% of people think having a will is important, yet, only 40% of people have one. We collaborate with your estate planning lawyer to review or implement Estate Documents (Will, Powers of Attorney, Beneficiary Designations, Advanced Directives and Trusts) that articulate what you want and make it easier for your loved ones to carry out your wishes. During these highly emotional times, the last thing you want is to create unnecessary financial or legal burden on your family. Expensive medical bills, outstanding debts, loss of income, inadequate insurance coverage and out of date wills can create huge problems for families. We help you create a plan that demonstrates how much you care.
15) LIMRA Household Trends in U.S. Life Insurance Ownership, 2016
16-17) Age Wave and Merrill Lynch, Finances in Retirement, 2017
18) AARP, Family Caregiving and Out of Pocket Costs, 2016